Last year I came across Pedro Cabrito Reis a portugese Sculptor and on google today i translated a bit of his told me to search for a better translation :
Pedro Cabrita Reis was born in Lisbon in 1956. Having received wide international recognition, his work is crucial for the understanding of the new paradigm in sculpture that has come about since the middle of the 1980s. Having received wide international recognition, his work is crucial for the understanding of the new paradigm in sculpture that has come about since the middle of the 1980s.
I think you can see why!
Now I need to search for the new paradigm in sculpture!
Bit like the meaning of life.
Anyway reminded me of a holiday in Portugal where it was impossible to learn the language and I had to try and buy some batteries so I speant the whole holiday asking for quattro piege si tu parie not sure about the spelling but i did get the batteries by learning this parrot fashion...difficult language!
So yer man Padro Cabrito Reis check out the link and I attach a photo to whet your appetite whatever the new paradigm is I like it!
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