I am finding it helpful to use this blog to record my meanderings at the moment I am looking at the unconscious along with thinking about the body as culture (al) representation. To this end have reread Kafka and Metamorphosis I remember not getting it before but am not so resistant...what might that mean I wonder! Anyway am bemused about the beetle having eyes that blink! I say no more. I was interested to see on our reading list Vanessa Beecroft as one of the artists to look at. Mainly because I saw an exhibition of hers in Bergamot a few years ago and thought it was fab these enormous yet childish drawings of women...have to say the gender awareness bit was I felt a bit crass so I have kept a watching brief on her work and am determined to look out the catalogue - where have I put it? Meanwhile you will see what I have found as an examples of Vanessa's work
I think there are visual links to the work of the Chapman Bros but the connections are in the main in the visual certainly not in the theoretical.
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